Healthy Holiday Tips

6 Simple Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Cheers to the holiday season! This busy time of year is always full of holiday events, parties, get-togethers, and seasonal activities. The kids are out, family members are visiting, and there’s so much to plan and do. But whether you’re aiming for your holiday best or just trying to minimize holiday stress, it’s always important to keep your wellness in check during this season. It’s important to make healthy and nutritious choices with all the holiday meals, buffet tables, and extra calories. It’s also essential to make time for your physical and mental health before your daily to-do lists are filled to the brim.

Thankfully, prioritizing your health doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Here are six simple ways that you can stay on top of your nutrition and make healthy choices during the holidays.

Don’t forget to take your vitamins. Adequate nutrition is a must, especially during the holiday season. And a simple way to stay on top of your nutrition is to take a daily multivitamin. While making healthy food choices is important, the truth is even the healthiest of diets may not always provide all of the nutrients your body needs. Most diets have nutritional gaps, and while vitamins should never replace a healthy diet, they are a great way to fill in those gaps. Need help with finding the right multivitamin? Everyone has different nutritional needs depending on their age, gender, diet, and health. So a great way to find out exactly what nutrients you may need is by taking the Meology™ Assessment. Meology will create a personalized supplement plan based on your diet, lifestyle, biology, and health goals.

Start the day with healthy food choices. When you start your day off with a healthy, protein-filled breakfast, you are setting yourself up to continue making healthy choices throughout the rest of the day. Try to incorporate lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruit into your breakfast. If you need some ideas, try savory breakfasts in place of high carbohydrate breakfasts. I have lots of recipe ideas for that. Your daily blood sugar balance will love you when you do savory. And if you’re pressed for time in the morning, try incorporating a protein smoothie, using one of our great products for a quick and convenient breakfast full of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. As the day progresses, continue to make healthy food choices at lunch and dinner. But don’t feel bad if you treat yourself during a meal! There’s always opportunity to eat healthy dishes at the next meal.

QUICK TIP: When it comes to holiday meals, try using a smaller plate to help you control portion sizes and be more selective about what you put on your plate.

Keep your immunity in check. With the cooler weather combined with holiday busyness, immune health should be a top priority. One of the simplest ways to support your immune system is to make sure that you’re getting the powerhouse nutrients vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. Vitamins B6, B12, and E, folic acid, and selenium also help support your immune health at the cellular level. You can get these nutrients from a diet full of dark leafy greens and citrus fruits, but it’s hard to get enough from your diet alone. We have a drink mix that will supercharge your immunity with a combination of three immune-fueling blends that include vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.*

Be good to your gut. It always feels like your digestive system has to work overtime during the holidays. That’s enough reason alone to take care of it! But the digestive system does more than just transport food from your mouth to your stomach and intestines to process. A healthy digestive system is linked to your physical health, mental health, immune health, and more, which is why it’s very important to take care of your gut health. We can help you learn all about how to take care of your gut health and, some ways you can promote gut health include cutting back on sweets and sugar, getting plenty of sleep, eating probiotic foods, and supplementing with pre- and probiotics They are designed to work together to promote comprehensive digestive and immune support.*

Find time to exercise. Your fitness routine is sometimes the first thing to go during this season. But you can still celebrate the holidays without sacrificing healthy habits! Try holiday activities that get you to move or go outside, like hikes, pumpkin patches, holiday light displays, and ice skating. Add physical activity to your holiday errands by walking or biking to places when you are able.
De-stress your holidays. Take a deep breath and let it out. We all know life gets a little stressful around the holidays. But the great thing is that it’s predictable. Don’t forget to take some time for self-care, and don’t be afraid to say “no” to things you can’t handle. Thankfully, many of the tips above also help reduce stress, including good nutrition and exercise.
Stay healthy this holiday season.

Making wellness a priority doesn’t have to be hard. Follow these simple steps, relax, and enjoy the festivities! May your holidays be merry, bright, and healthy. (above test is a slightly tweaked message from my long term branding partner

We have more tips, recipes, supplements and more to meet the above categories. We are backed by robust science, experience, clinical insights, and more. All products are100% guaranteed, too. Thoughts, questions…?

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and you know…

About admin

Graduate of Cornell School of Hotel Administration MS in Bio/Nut, RDN, LDN, AFMCP Former paramedic, chef, baker, ski patrol leader, Master Trainer- MenuTrinfo and AllerTrain, Director- Board of Directors, National Celiac Association, In private practice
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