Buyer Beware

We are learning that there are issues about securing safe and reliable supplement products, especially from certain on line sources and television ads. There are prolific no name brands, no website, anonymous address, no address, mislabeled, false claims and counterfeit. Probably others. The sellers take no responsibility, some are very well known. I suggest to my clients that there are five due diligence questions to ask before you purchase any supplement or other thing you put into your body by any means. After reading the article in today’s journal on this topic I am reflecting on the obvious which is know your vendor and their brand partner(s). We have been with our major brand partner for over 40 years. They set the bar for safety, efficacy and research for the whole industry. As a practitioner I sometimes recommend other brands for special therapeutic needs. These manufacturers are also well known and are raising their bars for quality, safety and efficacy. We have had a relationship for decades. Each of these companies goes out of their way for customer service and education. Other than Shaklee, my main element, the others are practitioner only suppliers. I get al my stuff directly from the manufacturer, no one messes with it. The point is that there is a significant risk to just buying off the shelf somewhere, on line or from TV. There are many advantages to relationship building with the people you do business with. We answer the phone, we can be found easily to find the products that fit your needs, answer your questions, with ease and flow, gratitude and Joy. And our products are guaranteed so there is no risk to you. The other need to know four questions, a link to the mentioned article? Make a comment or message me, and I will reply. Thank you…

About admin

Graduate of Cornell School of Hotel Administration MS in Bio/Nut, RDN, LDN, AFMCP Former paramedic, chef, baker, ski patrol leader, Master Trainer- MenuTrinfo and AllerTrain, Director- Board of Directors, National Celiac Association, In private practice
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