Did I drink enough today, that is the question

Water affects your mind, body, and spirit. And it’s no wonder, as your body is 60% water.
It keeps your blood flowing, your joints moving, and your brain working.
Did you know it also plays a big role in bringing nutrients to cells and maintaining your body temperature?

And that’s not even the whole story!

🔸 Brain Function and Energy Levels: Even mild dehydration can affect your memory, mimic dementia, mood, concentration, and reaction time.
🔸 Digestive Health: You need water to digest food properly and keep things moving. Without enough water, you may experience constipation, gas, bloating, heartburn, or other unpleasantries.
🔸 Weight: Drinking water can help reduce cravings for snacks and feelings of hunger. It can support your metabolism and help you lose weight.
🔸 Skin Health: Staying hydrated can help you keep that youthful glow and help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
🔸 Immune Function: There are several ways that staying well-hydrated helps your immune system. For starters, proper hydration is needed for your immune cells to be able to get where they need to go.
🔸 Detoxification: Getting enough water helps flush toxins out of your body, which supports healthier-looking skin among many other benefits.

Drink a Glass First Thing in the Morning
Get in the habit of drinking an 8-oz glass of water when you wake up. Water alone isn’t always hydrating unless we add our mineral balancing friends. I like adding a little lemon or lime, coconut water, pinch of magnesium powder, a pinch of salt, a little honey, and a few drops of trace mineral drops or electrolyte powder is what I love to add to my morning elixir. If my tastebuds are feeling brave, I’ll some aloe juice!
Invest in a Fun, Reusable Water Bottle, and use that for a measure.
Look for a bottle that can keep your water cold for 12+ hours.
Create Reminders on Your Phone
Set them to go off every few hours. Mention benefits like, “Boost your metabolism with a glass of water!”
Put a Pitcher of Water on Your Table at Meals We drink more when refills are easy. Remember, “he who kills, fills”
Use a Water Tracking App
Try an app like Waterlogged, Gulp, or Daily Water.
Put Filled Bottles Everywhere
Keep bottles in places like your car, bedroom, and office.
Add Natural Flavor
Enhance your H20 with citrus, herbs, or berries.

About admin

Graduate of Cornell School of Hotel Administration MS in Bio/Nut, RDN, LDN, AFMCP Former paramedic, chef, baker, ski patrol leader, Master Trainer- MenuTrinfo and AllerTrain, Director- Board of Directors, National Celiac Association, In private practice
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